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15 ธันวาคม 2556

farmville 2 holiday lights second week

farmville 2 cheats for yellow Christmas cookies
farmville 2 cheats for yellow Christmas cookies
scan for: e_deco_waterfountain_generic (AquaMortis Fountain)
change to: e_rare_crafted_cookie_yellow

farmville 2 cheats for snowflake red cookies
farmville 2 cheats for snowflake red cookies
scan for: e_deco_wagonwheel_planted (Pioneer wagon wheel)
change to: e_rare_crafted_cookie_red

farmville 2 cheats for wreath green cookies
farmville 2 cheats for wreath green cookies
scan for:  e_rare_crafted_salad_potato (craft potato salad after changing the code)
change to: e_rare_crafted_cookie_green

Collect following candy canes by inspecting fur in farmville 2 holiday stocking station which 

 Farmville 2 cheats for green candy cane
farmville 2 cheats for green candy cane
scan for: e_deco_ropes_flowering (Hope Rope)
change to: e_rare_candycane_green

Farmville 2 cheats for red candy cane
Farmville 2 cheats for red candy cane
Scan for: e_deco_crates_wooden ( Pine Crate )
change to: e_rare_candycane_red
After collecting all desired items you will be rewarded following fence.

Farmville 2 cheats for candy cane fence
Farmville 2 cheats for candy cane fence
Scan for: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (pink flamingo)
Change to: e_deco_fence_base_candycane







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