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10 มิถุนายน 2557

farmville 2 wedding reception table

Cheat codes for farmville 2 wedding reception table

Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change to: e_building_cookoff_wedding

Use following cheat codes If you wish to remove under construction farmville 2 wedding reception table

Scan for: e_building_cookoff_wedding_construction
Change to: e_building_cookoff_wedding_remove
Visit your neighbour and return back after using this cheat
Following are items players need to collect to build wedding reception table along with cheat codes. You need scented candles, wagon wheels and envelop organisers to build farmville 2 wedding reception table.
farmville 2 wedding reception table building requirement
farmville 2 cheats for scented candles
farmville 2 cheats for scented candles
Scan for: e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost (Hitching Post)
Change to: e_rare_buildable_cookoff_wedding_p1
farmville 2 cheats for wagon wheels
farmville 2 cheats for wagon wheels

Scan for: e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost (Hitching Post)
Change to: e_rare_buildable_cookoff_wedding_p2
farmville 2 cheats for envelop organizers
farmville 2 cheats for envelop organizer
Scan for: e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost (Hitching Post)
Change to: e_rare_buildable_cookoff_wedding_p2
Once your farmville 2 wedding reception table is ready, you need to collect the wedding satchels to redeem fabulous awards.
farmville 2 cheats
You can use following farmville 2 cheats to collect RSVP’s
farmville 2 cheats for RSVP
Scan for: e_rare_crafted_cupcake_orange (Orange Cupcake)
Change to: e_rare_ticket_cookoff_wedding

Have a sneak peak of the rewards of farmville 2 wedding reception table

farmville 2 wedding reception table rewards







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