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5 กรกฎาคม 2557

farmville 2 goat cheesery

Cheat Codes for farmville 2 goat cheesery

farmville 2 goat cheesery
Scan for: e_deco_woodpile_plank (Wood Planks)
Change to: e_building_input_goat

farmville 2 cheats to remove under construction farmville 2 goat cheesery

Scan for: e_building_input_goat_construction
Change to: e_building_input_goat_remove

Following are the items required to build farmville 2 goat cheesery.

farmville 2 goat cheesery building requirement

You can use following farmville 2 cheats to collect these items which you need to build farmville 2 goat cheesery.

farmville 2 cheats for Churning Vats
farmville 2 cheats for Churning Vats
Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part1

farmville 2 cheats for goat cheese cloths
farmville 2 cheats for goat cheese cloths

Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part2

farmville 2 cheats for cheese paddles
Farmville 2 cheats for cheese paddles
Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green
Change to: e_rare_buildable_input_goat_part3

Once your farmville 2 goat cheesery is ready, you must collect the following cheese to collect your reward which is baby Muscovy Duck.

farmville 2 cheats for baby Muscovy Duck
farmville 2 cheats for baby Muscovy Duck
Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked
Change to: e_animal_baby_duck_muscovy

farmville 2 cheats for Muscovy Duck
farmville 2 cheats for Muscovy Duck
Scan for: e_deco_pinkflamingo_generic (Pink Flamingo)
Change to: e_animal_adult_duck_muscovy







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