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15 ธันวาคม 2556

farmville 2 animal hospital

farmville 2 cheats for farmville 2 animal hospital

scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)
change to: e_building_crafting_drive_hospital

use following farmville 2 cheats if you want to remove under construction farmville 2 animal hospital

scan for: e_building_crafting_drive_hospital_construction
change to: e_rare_crafted_crostini_pear_radicchio_heirloom

you will need following items to build farmville 2 animal hospital. Collect them in advance to finish building farmville 2 animal hospital quickly

farmville 2 cheats for animal balloons
farmville 2 cheats for animal balloons farmville 2 animal hospital
scan for: e_rare_crafted_cookies_sunflower (Sunflower Cookies)
change to: e_rare_buildable_balloons_animal

farmville 2 cheats for bunting clothes
farmville 2 cheats for bunting clothes farmville 2 animal hospital
scan for: e_deco_animated_flag_expansion (Horsewilds Flag)
change to: e_rare_buildable_cloth_bunting

farmville 2 cheats for bunny posters
farmville 2 cheats for bunny posters Farmville 2 animal hospital
scan for: e_deco_animated_flag_expansion (Horsewilds Flag)
change to: e_rare_buildable_poster_rabbit

players will need following ingredients to craft items for donation.
farmville 2 cheats for animals vitamin pills
Farmville 2 cheats for animals vitamin pills Farmville 2 animal hospital
Scan for: e_deco_inbloom_flowerbox_planter_qtlg1 (Blossom box)
Change to: e_rare_ingredient_vitamins_pill_animal

farmville 2 cheats for Poop scoop
Scan for: e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost
Change to: e_rare_ingredient_poopscoop_scooper

farmville 2 cheats for collar pet rhinestone 
Farmville 2 animal hospital
Scan for: e_deco_wanderingpig_wheelbarrow_gnome_a
Change to: e_rare_ingredient_collar_pet_rhinestone

farmville 2 cheats for baby lionhead rabbit
farmville 2 cheats for baby lionhead rabbit Farmville 2 animal hospital
Scan for: e_deco_animated_windchime_sun (Wind Chime)
Change to: e_animal_baby_rabbit_lionhead

farmville 2 cheats for adult lionhead rabbit
Farmville 2 cheats for adult lionhead rabbit Farmville 2 animal hospital
Scan for: e_deco_animated_flag_expansion (Horsewilds Flag)
Change to: e_animal_adult_rabbit_lionhead







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