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17 ธันวาคม 2556

Farmville 2 holiday lights third week

Hey Mates, We are sure many of you are all done with second week of farmville 2 holiday lights and eagerly waiting for third week decorations. Well your wait is going to end soon because third week of farmville 2 holiday lights is going to release soon. You need to craft ribbons and collect Bows in farmville 2 teddy bear gift exchange building. Collect all the items to decorate holiday ribbons and bows on workshop, hen house. You will also earn 15 units of farmville 2 speed grow after completion of third week of farmville 2 holiday lights.

Players have the opportunity to earn decorations multiple times by collecting farmville 2 holiday light quest items.

You need to craft following items for third week of farmville 2 holiday lights.

farmville 2 cheats for red ribbon
farmville 2 cheats for red ribbon
scan for: e_deco_axeinstump_generic(Chopping Block)
change to: e_rare_crafted_ribbon_red

farmville 2 cheats for yellow ribbon
farmville 2 cheats for yellow ribbon
scan for: e_deco_waterfountain_generic (AquaMortis Fountain)
change to: e_rare_crafted_ribbon_yellow

farmville 2 cheats for blue ribbon
farmville 2 cheats for blue ribbon
scan for:  e_rare_crafted_lemon_water (craft lemon water after changing the code)
change to: e_rare_crafted_ribbon_blue

farmville 2 cheats for green bow

Farmville 2 cheats for green bow
scan for: e_deco_sign_wood (Wooden Sign)
change to: e_rare_bow_green

farmville 2 cheats for purple bow
Farmville 2 cheats for purple bow
Scan for: e_deco_fence_wood (Split Rail Fence)
change to: e_rare_bow_purple
After collecting all desired items you will be rewarded following fence.

farmville 2 cheats for ornament fence
Farmville 2 cheats for ornament fence
Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Winebottles Spread)
Change to: e_deco_fence_base_ornament







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