Following are the farmville 2 cheats for to get farmville 2 fuel pump which generates 45 units of fuel in 18 hours.
Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (wine bottle spread)
Change to: e_building_pasture_pump_l8
If you wish to remove previous farmville 2 fuel pumps you can use the following farmville 2 cheats.
Scan code depending upon the farmville 2 fuel pump you have.
Change to: e_deco_winebottles_stacked
Note: Please note that the fuel you will
get from farmville 2 fuel pump depends upon number of prized animals in
your pasture. More prized animals you add to pasture more fuel will be
generated from farmville 2 fuel pump.
farmville 2 cheats to harvest farmville 2 fuel pump instantly
Set value to double
Scan for: 64800
Change to: 1