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15 ธันวาคม 2556

farmville 2 fertilizer plane

Cheat codes for farmville 2 fertilizer plane

Scan for: e_deco_shrub_round (Scrubby Shrub)
change to: e_building_biplane

Players can use following farmville 2 cheats if you wish to remove under construction farmville 2 fertilizer plane.
Scan for: e_building_biplane_construction
Change to: e_deco_general_hedge_cube_qtlg1

Following are the items required to repair the demaged farmville 2 fertilizer plane


You can collect these items using following farmville 2 cheats.

farmville 2 cheats for propellers
farmville 2 cheats for propellers farmville-2-fertilizer-plane-farmville-2-cheats
Scan for: e_deco_winebottles_stacked (Wine Bottle Spread)
Change to: e_rare_buildable_propellor

Farmville 2 cheats for gear differentials farmville-2-fertilizer-plane-farmville-2-cheats
Scan for: e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow (Sky Blossom Kite)

Change to: e_rare_buildable_gear_differential
farmville 2 cheats for aluminum metal plates
farmville 2 cheats for aluminum metal plates farmville-2-fertilizer-plane-farmville-2-cheats
Scan for: e_deco_wanderingpig_wheelbarrow_gnome_a (Gnomerwagon)
change to: e_rare_buildable_plating_metal_aluminum







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